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From microaggressions to harassment. Women in scientific research

We would like to welcome you to this course, the aim of which is to make you reflect and provide you with tools for detecting violence against women, especially in the area of research centres.

Thanks to the content of the course, you will be able to discover simple ways to take the first steps, as well as to understand the legal instruments that you can use in your workplace.

This course is given under Law 5/2008, of 24 April, on the right of women to eradicate violence against women, and Law 17(2020, of 22 December, amending Law 5/2008, which extends, strengthens and updates the previous law and, for the first time, protects the rights of transgender and cisgender women and non-binary people.

To participate in this course you need a corporate address of a CERCA centre.

The micro-course has finished.
Start date: 13/02/2024 16:00
End date: 16/02/2025 20:00
Contents: 60. Estimated duration: 01:15 (hh:mm)
To pass this micro-course, you will need to view at least 100 % of the content (60 out of a possible 60 items).
Certificate: Sí
Places available: 732

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(The code is valid for 15 minutes)

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you can close this window and register later.

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If you already have a username, enter your email address and password to see the list of available courses.
Aquí you can check the list of courses available in self-registration.